When it comes to enhancing the curb appeal of your home, painting your garage door can make a significant difference. A fresh coat of paint can transform an old and worn-out-looking garage door into one that looks brand new. However, before you dive in with a brush in hand, there are some do’s and don’ts you need to know for painting garage doors in Volo, IL. This guide will provide you with all the information necessary to ensure that your garage door gets painted correctly and lasts for many years to come.

Things To Consider

Before you decide to paint your garage door, there are several questions you should ask yourself to ensure you’re making the right choice:

  1. Material of the Garage Door

Garage doors can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and vinyl. Each type of material requires a different approach to painting:

  1. Wooden Garage Doors: Wood is a porous material and often requires a sealant before painting to prevent moisture from seeping into the wood and causing rot. You may also need to sand the door to remove any existing finish or paint.
  2. Metal Garage Doors (Steel/Aluminum): These doors typically require a primer before painting to ensure the paint adheres properly. You’ll want to use a rust-inhibitive primer if the door is subject to damp conditions.
  3. Fiberglass/Vinyl Garage Doors: These doors can be a bit tricky to paint due to their smooth, non-porous surface. They may require a special type of paint or a primer designed for plastic surfaces.
  4. Harmony with Home’s Color Scheme

Your garage door color should complement your home’s overall color palette and architectural style. For instance, if your house is a traditional style with neutral colors, a bold, bright garage door might look out of place. On the other hand, contemporary homes may handle a broader range of colors.

  1. DIY vs. Professional Painting

Painting a garage door can be a sizable project, especially if it’s a two-car garage or if the door has intricate designs. Ensure you have the necessary skills, tools (like brushes, rollers, paint sprayer, sandpaper, primer, paint, etc.), and the time to carry out the job effectively or consider hiring a professional for tasks such as garage door repair. Hiring a professional can save you time and ensure a high-quality finish, but will also cost more.

  1. Local Weather Conditions

The type of paint you choose should be suited to your local climate. For example, if you live in a very sunny area, you’ll want to choose a paint that’s UV-resistant. If you live in a wet climate, you may need a paint that’s mold and mildew-resistant.

  1. Maintenance Considerations

Darker colors tend to show dust and scratches more than lighter ones. Also, consider that a painted door will likely require regular touch-ups due to weather and wear. You’ll need to be prepared for the maintenance required to keep the door looking its best.

  1. Purpose of Painting

If you’re painting the garage door purely for aesthetic reasons, then color and finish are the key considerations. If the painting is for protection from the elements, it’s crucial to choose a durable outdoor paint that can resist fading, peeling, and weather damage. Often, the purpose is both aesthetic and protective, which will influence the type of paint you choose.

  1. Homeowner Association Rules or Local Ordinances

Many neighborhoods have rules about exterior paint colors to maintain a cohesive look. Make sure you check any restrictions before you invest in paint. You wouldn’t want to finish the job only to discover you’ve violated an association rule or local ordinance.

  1. Focal Point or Blend-In

If you want the garage door to be a focal point, choose a contrasting color to the rest of your house. A bright, bold color can make a statement. If you want it to blend in, choose a color that matches or complements your home’s exterior. This decision will greatly influence your color choice and possibly the finish of the paint (glossy vs. matte).


Do Clean the Surface

Garage doors are exposed to various elements and can accumulate dust, dirt, pollen, and even oil or grease over time. All these can hinder the adhesion of the paint. Before painting, ensure to clean the door thoroughly. A power washer can do a great job, but if you don’t have one, a soft brush and mild detergent will suffice. Scrub off all the dirt and rinse thoroughly with clean water. Remember, any soap residue can also interfere with paint adhesion, so ensure that all detergent is rinsed off. After washing, allow the door to dry completely; this might take several hours or even a day, depending on the weather and humidity.

Do Sand the Surface If Needed

If your garage door has a previous layer of paint that’s peeling, chipping, or simply rough, sanding it down is a crucial step. Use a medium-grit sandpaper to smooth out the surface and remove loose paint. This not only provides a smoother surface for the new paint to adhere to but also enhances the longevity of the paint job. After sanding, be sure to clean the door again to remove any dust or particles before proceeding to the next step.

Do Use the Right Paint and Primer

 The type of paint and primer you use depends largely on the material of your garage door services Volo IL. For metal doors (steel or aluminum), an oil-based primer is generally recommended as it can provide better adhesion to the paint. Similarly, an oil-based paint or a 100% acrylic latex paint designed for metal will give the best result. If your garage door is made of wood, use a primer and paint that’s suitable for outdoor wood surfaces. It’s crucial to check the paint and primer labels to ensure they’re appropriate for your door’s material.

Do Check the Weather

Weather conditions significantly impact the success of your painting project. Ideal painting conditions are typically warm, dry days with little to no wind. High humidity can extend drying time and negatively affect how the paint sets. Extreme cold can also cause the paint to thicken and make it harder to apply, while excessive heat can cause the paint to dry too quickly, leading to streaks or uneven application. As Volo, IL, experiences a range of temperatures throughout the year, picking a time of year when conditions are most favorable – typically late spring or early fall.

Do Apply Multiple Coats

To achieve a uniform, vibrant, and durable finish, multiple coats of paint are typically necessary. The first coat acts as a base and provides a surface for the subsequent coat(s) to adhere to more effectively. Wait for the first coat to dry completely before applying the next; this could take anywhere from a few hours to a day, depending on the paint type and weather conditions. Always refer to the paint manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended drying time.

Do Follow Safety Measures

Safety should always be a top priority when undertaking any home improvement task. Wear protective gear such as gloves to protect your hands from harsh chemicals found in paint, and safety goggles to protect your eyes from paint splatters. If you’re using a ladder, ensure it’s stable before climbing onto it, and never overreach – move the ladder as needed. If you’re using a paint sprayer, a mask or respirator might be necessary to protect yourself from inhaling paint droplets. Finally, keep your work area clean and free from obstacles to prevent accidents.


Don’t Rush the Process

Painting a garage door is a multi-step process, each of which requires its own time and attention. You need to allot time for cleaning the surface, letting it dry, sanding if required, applying primer, and then painting. Each coat of primer or paint needs to dry thoroughly before you apply the next one. Rushing through any of these steps can result in a less-than-perfect finish, premature peeling, or other issues. If you’re not sure you can devote the necessary time to the project, you may want to consider hiring a professional.

Don’t Ignore Repairs

Painting is not a solution to physical damage or material deterioration. If your garage door has dents, rust, or rot, these need to be addressed before you begin the painting process. Garage door repair for dents can often be knocked out (for metal doors) or filled in (for wood doors), while minor areas of rust or rot might be removed or repaired. For more severe damage, you may need to replace parts of the door or even the whole door. If you paint over these problem areas, you’re merely covering them up, not resolving them, and the issues will likely worsen over time.

Don’t Skimp on Quality

While it might be tempting to save money by choosing cheaper paints and primers, these often end up costing more in the long run. High-quality products generally provide better coverage, so you may need fewer coats. They also tend to be more durable, resisting fading, chipping, and weather-related damage, which means your paint job will last longer before you need to repaint. Also, they often have better color payoff, so your finished door will look more vibrant and appealing.

Don’t Neglect the Trim

If your garage door has a trim, remember to factor this into your painting plans. You’ll need to decide whether you want the trim to be the same color as the door or a contrasting one. Either can be a good choice, depending on the overall style of your house and your personal preference. However, if you neglect to paint the trim at all, your paint job may look incomplete or inconsistent.

Don’t Forget to Check HOA Guidelines

If your home is part of a Homeowner’s Association, it’s crucial to check the HOA guidelines before you start painting. Many HOAs have rules about acceptable exterior paint colors to maintain a cohesive neighborhood aesthetic. Failing to adhere to these guidelines could result in fines, and you might even be required to repaint your garage door a different color. Save yourself the trouble by doing your homework ahead of time.

Remember, each painting project is unique, and your garage door’s current condition and the type of door you have can affect these guidelines. Be sure to adjust these tips to suit your specific situation.

In conclusion, painting your garage door is a worthwhile project that can dramatically improve your home’s appearance. But it’s not a task to be taken lightly. Follow these do’s and don’ts, and remember: consider hiring a professional when in doubt. They have the skills and experience to ensure a high-quality, lasting result, adding beauty and value to your home in Volo, IL.

Contact Jenco Painting

Giving your garage door a fresh coat of paint is an easy way to change how your house looks. But before you jump in, it’s important to think about a few key things. We’ve made a list of important things for you to think about. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need to know more about any of these. Whether you want to do a simple touch-up or a complete color change, we’re here to help you do the job right. Have you ever tried to paint a garage door before? We’d love to know what you think! Please leave your suggestions in the area below.

Putting a fresh coat of paint on your garage door can be an easy way to give your home a new look. Still, there are important things to think about before you start this job, such as ensuring the door is in good condition. We’ve made a list of these important points to make things easier for you. If you need more information, feel free to get in touch with us at EDM Garage Doors. We’re always happy to help with any questions or concerns, including garage door repair. Our team at EDM Garage Doors can help make sure the job is done right, whether you want to keep the same color or change it all up. Have you ever tried to paint your garage door before? Your ideas are very helpful. Please leave any tips or advice in the area below for comments.

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